David Gold Psychology


Our rates are commensurate with both our training and experience, as well as the Ontario Psychological Association guidelines for doctoral-level clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists (200-250$/hour) licensed with the College of Psychologists of Ontario as well as senior clinical psychology doctoral students (140-200$/hour).

We will talk to you about our rates prior to an initial session. We offer a sliding scale for individuals who cannot afford our rates because we are committed to the accessibility of our services for all people, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, family makeup, social status, income, ability, or physical health. Unfortunately, our services are not covered by OHIP. 

We provide receipts for reimbursement by insurance companies such as those with extended care packages or benefits through work. 

We accept cash, cheques, & Interac e-transfer deposits (director@davidgoldpsychology.com).